Immigration detention bail

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Conditions of your bail

If you’re granted bail, there will be at least one condition you have to obey.

You might have to:

  • report regularly to an immigration official
  • attend an appointment or hearing
  • be restricted on where you can live
  • have an electronic monitoring tag
  • have restrictions on the work or studies you can do
  • obey any other condition decided by the person granting your bail

You or your financial condition supporter might have to promise to pay money if you break one of the other conditions of your bail. This is called a ‘financial condition’.

These conditions can be changed after you’re granted bail.

If you do not follow the terms of your bail you might:

  • have your bail conditions changed so that there are tighter restrictions
  • be charged with a crime
  • have to pay the money agreed at the hearing - or your Financial Condition Supporter might have to pay 
  • be returned to detention 

Change the conditions of your bail

You can ask to change (‘vary’) the conditions of your bail, for example, if you need to move to a new address.

If the First-tier Tribunal granted you bail, fill in form B2 and send it to your nearest First-tier Tribunal hearing centre. The Home Office might oppose your request.

If the management of your bail has been transferred to the Home Office contact them instead.

If you’re on Secretary of State bail, speak to an immigration officer.

You must continue to obey the conditions of your bail until a decision has been made to change them.