Become a childminder or nanny (England)

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After you're registered

You must continue to meet the registration standards while you’re working as a childminder or nanny.

You’ll need to:

  • pay the annual registration fee
  • keep your details up to date
  • report any major accidents or incidents

Ofsted will inspect childminders and some nannies.

Keep your details up to date

You must tell Ofsted if:

  • you change where you’re working
  • your contact details change
  • you stop working as a childminder or nanny

If you’re a childminder

You must tell Ofsted if:

Reporting accidents and incidents

Use the early years incident online form to report:

  • a serious accident, injury or illness to a child, for example food poisoning
  • allegations that someone living, working or looking after children in your household has committed serious harm or abuse
  • anything that might affect the suitability of someone on the premises to look after children
  • a child’s death

Providing other types of childcare

If you’re a childminder, you can apply to set up childcare on non-domestic premises (for example, a playgroup or after-school club). You can work here for up to half of your time.

If you want to work with 3 or more childminders or childminding assistants in your home, you’ll need to register as a daycare organisation (this is known as ‘providing childcare on domestic premises’).