Lasting power of attorney, being in care and managing finances
Includes dealing with benefits, taxes and leaving care
A to Z
- Apply for a one-off decision from the Court of Protection
- Apply to the Mental Health Tribunal
- Become an appointee for someone claiming benefits
- Carer's Allowance
- Claim a deputyship fee refund
- Claim a power of attorney refund
- Claim and deal with Child Benefit for someone else
- Claiming and dealing with tax credits for someone else
- Contact the Court Funds Office
- Deputies: make decisions for someone who lacks capacity
- Deputies: manage a Court Funds Office account
- Enduring power of attorney: acting as an attorney
- Find out if someone has an attorney, deputy or guardian acting for them
- Get court funds money when you recover mental capacity
- Get your court funds money when you turn 18
- Leaving foster or local authority care
- Make an urgent or emergency application to the Court of Protection
- Make decisions on behalf of someone
- Make, register or end a lasting power of attorney
- Manage a missing person's finances and property
- Object to the registration of a power of attorney
- Report a concern about an attorney, deputy or guardian
- Use a lasting power of attorney
- Use or cancel an enduring power of attorney
- View a lasting power of attorney