Challenge your solicitor's bill

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How to apply

Download and fill in 3 copies of Part 8 claim form (N208). You must pay £59.

Send a cheque made payable to ‘HMCTS’ with all 3 copies of your completed form and a copy of your solicitor’s bill to:

Senior Courts Costs Office
TM 7.12
Royal Courts of Justice

You can apply to your local District Registry (a court that deals with certain High Court cases) instead if you live outside of London.

Apply to your nearest county court if the original case was dealt with by a county court and your solicitor’s bill is for £5,000 or less.

What happens next

The court will keep one copy of your claim form. The other copies will be sent to you and your solicitor and stamped with an issue date.

You’ll then get an ‘acknowledgement of service’ from your solicitor confirming they’ve seen your application.

You’ll be asked to attend a hearing if your solicitor does not think you should have a detailed assessment. You’ll get a ‘notice of hearing’ from the court saying when and where the hearing will take place.

You’ll get a letter from your solicitor if they agree to a detailed assessment. Send a copy of this letter to the court.

If your solicitor does not challenge your application, you can ask them to give their consent. If they agree then the court might decide neither of you will need to go to the hearing.

If you have a hearing

Both you and the other side will present your case to a Costs Judge (or a District Judge if the hearing is held outside London).

You must bring with you copies of any documents you’ve sent to the court as part of your application.

The court will decide whether to order a detailed assessment. You’ll get the decision then or by post within a few days of the hearing.

If you disagree with the decision

You can make an appeal if you disagree with the court’s decision.

You must get permission before you appeal - you can ask the Costs Judge at the hearing.

You can ask the appeal court for permission if you’re refused or do not ask for it at the hearing. Read leaflet EX340 for more information.