Change or cancel a presumption of death certificate

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You can make a claim to cancel (‘revoke’) or change (‘vary’) the details of a declaration of presumed death from the High Court if you can prove the missing person:

  • is still alive
  • died at a time earlier or later than the time of death in the original declaration

You can also make a claim if you can prove there are other circumstances that mean the declaration of presumed death should be cancelled or changed.

There’s a different way to make a claim in Scotland or make a claim in Northern Ireland.


It costs £480 to change or cancel a declaration of presumed death. Find out how to get help paying court fees.

Make a claim for a declaration of presumed death

You can make a claim yourself or use a legal representative.

  1. Make your claim.

  2. Advertise your claim in a newspaper.

  3. Attend a hearing.