Change or cancel a presumption of death certificate

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Advertise your claim in a newspaper

You must advertise your claim in a newspaper local to the missing person’s last known address.

Place the advert within 7 days of the issue date stamped on the claim form.

Use standard text for the advert

Use the following text. You’ll need to delete some words and replace others in the square brackets with the right details.

Standard text

“In the High Court of Justice [Chancery] [Family] Division

Case number [insert case number]

In the matter of an application for a declaration of the presumed death of [insert the missing person’s name].

A claim has been issued in the High Court of Justice, for a variation of a declaration that [insert missing person’s name] whose last known address was [insert missing person’s address] is presumed to be dead. Any person having an interest may apply to the court to intervene in the matter.

If you wish to apply to the court, you should do so at [court address] as soon as possible, and if possible within 21 days of the date of this notice. Delay may harm your prospects of being able to intervene.

(If the claimant is legally represented)
[Name of the claimant’s legal representative]
[Address of the claimant’s legal representative]
(If the claimant is not legally represented)
[Claimant’s address for service]”

You’re known as the ‘claimant’ if you’re making the claim.

Send a copy to the court

Send the court a copy of the newspaper page showing the advertisement. It must arrive at least 5 days before your court hearing.