Check your State Pension forecast
Use this service to find out:
- how much State Pension you could get
- when you can get it
- if you can increase it
- how you could increase it (for example, by paying to fill gaps)
This page is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).
The State Pension age is regularly reviewed, so the results of this tool may change in the future. You can read about the results of the most recent review.
You cannot use this service if you’re already getting your State Pension or if you’ve delayed (‘deferred’) claiming it.
You’ll need to sign in to use this service. If you do not already have sign in details, you’ll be able to create them.
You’ll be told when you sign in if you need to prove your identity. This is to keep your details safe and normally involves using photo ID like a passport or driving licence.
Other ways to apply
You can also check your State Pension forecast through the HMRC app.
Applying online is the quickest way to get a forecast. If you’ll reach your State Pension age in more than 30 days you can also:
- fill in the BR19 application form and send it by post
- call the Future Pension Centre who will post the forecast to you
If you’re already getting your State Pension or have delayed claiming it
To get information about your State Pension, contact the Pension Service if you’re in the UK or the International Pension Centre if you live abroad.