Childcare Grant
To qualify for a Childcare Grant all the following must apply:
- you’re a full-time student
- your child must be under 15, or under 17 if they have special educational needs
- you get undergraduate student finance based on your household income (or are eligible for this)
- you’re not getting a Postgraduate Loan
- you’re a permanent resident in England
- your household income is less than £20,107.23 - if you’re applying for 1 child
- your household income is less than £28,914.47 - if you’re applying for 2 or more children
- neither you or your partner are claiming Tax-Free Childcare, the childcare element of working Tax Credit or Universal Credit
- neither you or your partner receive help with childcare costs from the NHS
- the children in your grant application are financially dependent on you
- your childcare provider is on the Ofsted Early Years Register or General Childcare Register - check with your provider
If your child is cared for at home, the carer cannot be a relative and must be registered with an appropriate body. Check with Student Finance England.
A Childcare Grant is different to 15 or 30 hours free childcare. You cannot use it to pay for those hours.