Childcare Grant
What you'll get
The amount you’ll get depends on:
- your household income
- the number of children who are dependent on you
2025 to 2026 academic year
You can get 85% of your childcare costs or a fixed maximum amount, whichever is less.
The maximum you can get is:
- up to £199.62 a week for 1 child
- up to £342.24 a week for 2 or more children
If your childcare for 1 child costs £100 a week you’ll get £85 - this is 85% of your costs.
If your childcare for 1 child costs £250 a week, you’ll get £199.62. This is because 85% of your costs is £212.50, which is above the maximum weekly amount.
You have to pay any remaining costs.
2024 to 2025 academic year
You can get 85% of your childcare costs or a fixed maximum amount, whichever is less.
The maximum you can get is:
- up to £193.62 a week for 1 child
- up to £331.95 a week for 2 or more children
How you’re paid
Your grant will be paid into a Childcare Grant Payment Service (CCGPS) account. You’ll get an email telling you how to set one up.
Your childcare provider will send requests for payment to the CCGPS, which you can approve through your account. You’ll usually need to do this every week. Your provider will be paid directly from the money in your account.
You can only approve payments to your childcare provider once your course has started. You cannot use the Childcare Grant to pay for upfront costs such as deposits.
Any money that’s left over at the end of the academic year will be returned to Student Finance England.
Income-related, unemployment and housing benefits are not affected by a Childcare Grant.