Claiming money or property from a dissolved company

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Buy a dissolved company's assets

You may be able to claim or buy an asset belonging to a dissolved company by asking the body representing the Crown. This is known as ‘referring’ an asset.

Who you ask depends on where the company was registered.

Anybody can refer an asset, for example if:

  • you’re the leaseholder of a property where the company owned the freehold
  • you want to buy or are affected by land owned by the company
  • you want to buy other assets of the company like shares, trade marks or copyrights
  • you’re a shareholder trying to get cash held by the company

How to refer an asset

The Treasury Solicitor looks after dissolved company assets in England and Wales (but not Cornwall or Lancashire).

Find out how to refer an asset to the Treasury Solicitor.

You can also write to:

Government Legal Department (BVD)
PO Box 2119
CR90 9QU
United Kingdom

Other bodies that represent the Crown

Elsewhere, dissolved companies’ assets are dealt with by:

Crown Solicitor’s Office for Northern Ireland
Telephone: 028 9054 6037
Find out about call charges

Crown Solicitor
Royal Courts of Justice
Chichester Street