Claiming money or property from a dissolved company

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Get a court order to restore a company

You may be able to apply for a court order to restore a company if:

  • you did business with them
  • you worked for them
  • they owed you money when they were dissolved
  • you’re responsible for their employee pension fund
  • you have a shared or competing interest in land
  • you were a shareholder or director when it was dissolved

You may be able to restore the company without a court order if you were a director or shareholder of a dissolved company.

How to apply

Download and fill in a claim to restore by court order (form N208) to apply for court order restoration in England and Wales.

HM Courts and Tribunals service has guidance notes on filling in form N208 if you need help.

Find the company’s registered office and send your completed form to their nearest county court that deals with bankruptcy.

If you’re not sure where to send the form then contact the Royal Courts of Justice.

You’ll also need to include:

In Scotland

Apply to the Court of Session if the initial value of the company’s shares that have been paid for (‘paid-up capital’) is more than £120,000.

Apply to the local sheriff court for other companies.

You’ll then have to serve a ‘petition to restore’ on the Registrar of Companies in Scotland, and any other bodies the court asks you to.

In Northern Ireland

Apply by serving an ‘originating summons’ on the Royal Courts of Justice:

Royal Courts of Justice
Chichester Street

You also need to send this to the Registrar of Companies in Northern Ireland, along with a witness statement in support of the application.

The Registrar of Companies
Companies House
Second Floor
The Linenhall
32-38 Linenhall Street

What happens next

If your claim is accepted, the court will issue an order to restore a company - you’ll be sent this, and you must send it on to the Registrar of Companies. Once they have it they will restore the company.

You’ll then need to take further action to try and get your money: