Contact Jobcentre Plus

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How to contact Jobcentre Plus

You can contact Jobcentre Plus about:

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus

If you want to contact your nearest office, you can find their details using the local office search.

You can write to your nearest office by using their address from the local office search. Their address will also be on any letters you’ve been sent.

If you’re in Northern Ireland

For Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) and Income Support, contact your Jobs and Benefits office. For Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), contact the ESA Centre.

Complain about Jobcentre Plus

You can complain about the service you’ve received from Jobcentre Plus.

Find a job

Use the ‘Find a job’ service (previously Universal Jobmatch).

Get a National Insurance number

Apply for a National Insurance number or find your National Insurance number if you’ve lost it.

If you’re an employer

Advertise a job or find recruitment services from Jobcentre Plus.