FG8: Anti-predator temporary electric fencing

Find out about eligibility and requirements for the anti-predator temporary electric fencing item.

This item is part of Higher Tier Capital Grants 2025. You must read the Capital Grants 2025 guidance to understand the rules and how to apply.

How much you’ll be paid 

£2.84 per metre (m).

How this item benefits the environment

It increases the survival rate of priority fledgling ground-nesting birds when used with effective habitat management.

Where you can use this item 

You can only use this item with the agreement of Natural England when practical reasons prevent the use of FG7: Anti-predator permanent combination fencing either:

  • on dry open grassland or heathland habitat used by breeding stone-curlew alongside a grassland or heathland management actions
  • on lowland wet grassland used by breeding waders alongside actions to manage, restore or create lowland wet grassland for breeding waders
  • on floodplain meadows which support breeding waders alongside a grassland management actions
  • on coastal habitats in a management action used by breeding seabirds (especially terns)
  • in combination with Higher Tier management actions on wetland areas with the support of a Natural England adviser

Examples of practical reasons include where the fencing cannot be left out all year or the re-location of the fencing is necessary from year to year.

You can also use on breeding lapwing, stone-curlew or Eurasian curlew habitats within grassland heathland and arable land where both of the following apply:

  • combination fencing cannot be used
  • predatory mammals are known to be limiting productivity

You cannot use this item on historic and archaeological features without specialist approval (for example, from the county archaeologist or Historic England).

What you must do to use this item

You must:

  • agree with Natural England a specification for the fence in year 1 of your agreement
  • create a temporary electric anti-predator fence that meets the agreed specification and timings
  • check regularly that target predators are absent from the enclosure
  • prevent vegetation from touching the fence’s live wires

Fence specification

The fence is likely to have:

  • set wires at 5 centimetres (cm) live, 15cm earthed and then with alternate live and earthed wires set at 10cm intervals up to a height of 1.1m (with an additional live wire at 1.5m)
  • wires held by extended insulators
  • a multi-strand top wire coloured white (to increase its visibility to deer and birds)

You must not restrict or block access to open access land.

Your adviser will adapt the requirements for this item to your site. You should discuss and agree these requirements with them. 

Evidence you must keep 

You must keep and provide with your claim:

  • photographs of the completed work
  • a detailed specification
  • records of the number of breeding pairs and breeding productivity of target species within and (as far as possible) outside the fence

You must also keep and provide on request:

  • any consents or permissions connected with the work
  • receipted invoices or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
  • photographs of the existing site
  • written support from your Natural England adviser

Read the record keeping and site visit requirements in the Agreement holder’s guide: Capital Grants, Higher Tier capital grants and Protection and Infrastructure grants for more information.

Advice to help you use this item

The following advice may help you to use this item, but you do not have to follow it to get paid. It’s not part of this item’s requirements.

Constructing the fence

Temporary electric anti-predator fencing is best for sites where either:

  • the fencing cannot be left out all year
  • re-location of the fencing is necessary from year to year

Anti-predator fences are effective only against large ground predators such as foxes, badgers and hedgehogs. You should only use this item alongside effective habitat management and when predators are likely to limit the productivity of the target species.

You should erect the fence before breeding starts (where possible). If this is not possible, you’ll need to install the fence with minimal disturbance to the birds. Get a disturbance licence from Natural England if needed for Schedule 1 species such as stone curlew and little tern.

When constructing the fence, it’s necessary to:

  • make sure the fence surrounds a nesting and chick feeding habitat that benefits the target species
  • place fencing away from tall vegetation
  • leave enough space between the fence and boundary for vegetation management
  • modify gates to stop predators getting through, over or under them

Maintaining the fence

You’ll need to complete regular inspections to ensure that:

  • vegetation is not touching the fence
  • the voltage is at the required level
  • the structure is maintained to the required specification
  • no target predators are in the enclosed area

Natural England will advise on how frequently these visits are needed (usually at least once a week when birds are nesting).

Control vegetation before it touches the bottom wire. Strim first under the fence line and then apply herbicide.

Updates to this page

Published 2 April 2015
Last updated 3 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Amended item - increased the number of CSHT actions you can use this item with.

  2. This item is now available for Higher Tier Capital Grants

  3. Updated for 2017 applications.

  4. Information updated for applications in 2016.

  5. First published.