HE3: Removal of eyesore
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the removal of eyesore item.
How much will be paid
£500.47 per item.
Where to use this item
Available for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier.
Only with a land management option
Where this item cannot be used
- For routine clearing and maintenance
- If clearance is required, such as for health and safety reasons
How this item will benefit the environment
It removes and disposes of unsightly items which have a negative effect on the landscape.
You must:
- agree a specification for the works with Natural England or the Forestry Commission in year 1 of the agreement
- complete the works as set out in the agreed specification within the agreed timescale
- get any relevant consents before carrying out the work, such as scheduled monument consent from Historic England, listed building consent from the local planning authority, or felling licence from the Forestry Commission when removing trees
Keeping records
Agreement holders will need to keep the following records and supply them on request:
- any consents or permissions connected with the work
- receipted invoices, or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
- photographs of the eyesore before works start
- item specification if required
Please see the record keeping and inspection requirements as set out in the relevant Higher Tier guidance for more detail. You can find the latest guidance at Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage.
Agreement holders will need to keep the following records and supply them with the claim:
- photographs of the completed work
The detailed requirements for this item will be tailored to the Higher Tier site. Higher Tier applicants should discuss and agree these requirements with their adviser.
Further information
Read Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage to find out more information about Higher Tier including how to apply.