Deputies: manage a Court Funds Office account
You can pay money in to an account after you apply to manage the account.
Check the details on the court order that appointed you as deputy - you’ll need the date of the order and the case number.
Fill in form CFO L. You must physically sign the form - this is also known as a ‘wet signature’. Electronic signatures will not be accepted.
Write a cheque for the amount you’re paying in, payable to the ‘Accountant General of the Senior Courts’.
Attach a copy of the original court order that appointed you as deputy (it must have a seal) and send it with the form and cheque to the address on the form.
You’ll get a letter from the Court Funds Office within 5 working days to confirm that it’s processed your deposit.
Your form will be returned if your deposit cannot be processed - you’ll be told what you can do to fix this.