How to do a coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid lateral flow test
Find out how to do a rapid lateral flow test for COVID-19. Rapid lateral flow tests show the result on a device that comes with the test.
How you do the test depends on the test kit you’re using.
Getein Biotech has a teal and white pack and is a nose-only test.
The pack you have may be different to one you’ve had before, so read the instructions in the pack carefully before you do the test.
Check the expiry date before you do the test. Do not use out-of-date tests. Use a test from a box that is still in date.
Video: how to do a rapid test
Teal and white pack (Getein Biotech): nose-only test
Watch a video demonstration of how to do a nose-only test (teal and white pack – Getein Biotech).
Report test results
You do not need to report a COVID-19 test result unless you are required to do so under Regulation 4A of the Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010. Test providers are required to report positive, negative and void lateral flow device (LFD) test results where they have assisted residents to take an LFD test.
To support care homes in being able to meet their Regulation 4A duty, UKHSA’s multiple registration spreadsheet will remain available for settings to report COVID-19 LFD test results. You are able to use this route to report the results of LFD tests that have not been provided to you directly by UKHSA.
It is important to note the registration of a positive COVID-19 LFD test will not result in the prescribing of a COVID-19 treatment.
To access COVID-19 treatments, follow the guidance issued by the NHS.
Give feedback about your test kit or report harm
If any part of your test kit is damaged or missing, do not use that test kit. You can still use the other tests in the pack.
If you’ve been harmed or had a reaction using the test kit, report it as soon as possible.
Find out how to give feedback about your test kit or report harm.
Updates to this page
Updated to remove information about ACON flowflex, Orient Gene and SureScreen tests, as all test kits issued will have expired by now. We have also removed their concomitant test instruction translations.
Removed the reference to the 119 service.
Added video on how to do a nose-only test: Getein Biotech.
Updated 119 contact hours.
Added information on Getein Biotech rapid nose-only tests.
Updated Innova and Surescreen videos to include British Sign Language (BSL).
Updated 119 phone line opening hours.
Added information about checking expiry dates on rapid lateral flow tests.
Added links to Ukrainian versions of 'Throat and nose test: COVID-19 rapid test kit instructions' and 'Nose-only test (SureScreen): COVID-19 rapid test kit instructions'.
Updated information to reflect changes in testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) in England.
Updated 'Blue and white pack: throat and nose test' video to reflect changes to self-isolation guidance.
Updated wording to reflect that rapid lateral flow tests are usually for people without symptoms of COVID-19.
Added Be My Eyes app information: live video call with NHS Test and Trace staff to help people to take a COVID-19 test and report the result.
Updated information about the video for SureScreen tests.
Updated video links to reflect changes to confirmatory PCR rules.
Added guidance on how to do a SureScreen rapid nose-only test and information on how to give test kit feedback or report harm.
Updated wording to clarify that this guidance is for how to do a rapid test at home or at a test site.
Removed information about MP Biomedicals rapid nose-only test.
Added links to translated guides.
Added Throat and nose test (Innova 25) for care home staff: COVID-19 rapid test kit instructions.
Added information about ordering a rapid lateral flow test and how to do an MP Biomedicals rapid nose-only test. Added Dari and Pashto translated guides.
Added information about the InterpreterNow service and that 119 provides support in 200 languages.
Added information about how to do an ACON Flowflex rapid nose-only test. Updated information about the different types of rapid tests, checking which test you have and reporting your result.
Updated to add information about checking with test you have, the different types of test and how to do a nose-only rapid lateral flow test, including videos and instructions.
Changed page title, summary and body content to make it clear that the instructions are for a rapid later flow tests. Updated information on what to do when you get your result and reporting your results
Added link to the self-test instructions for use and translated versions of it.
First published.