Options when customs seizes your things

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Ask for a court hearing

Send a ‘notice of claim’ if you think it was illegal for customs to seize your things, for example you brought in alcohol or tobacco for your personal use.

A seizure is legal if you break the rules on bringing or receiving things from abroad.

You’ll have to go to court - if you win your claim, you’ll get your things back. If they’ve already been disposed of, you can ask for compensation.

You may have to pay court costs if you do not win your claim.

Sending a notice of claim

Follow the example notice of claim or write your own. You’ll need to include:

  • the seizure reference number on the notice you got from customs
  • your name and address
  • a list of the things you think customs was wrong to seize - include details, for example quantities and brands
  • proof of ownership if your vehicle was seized
  • why you think it was illegal for customs to seize your things

Notice 12A gives detailed guidance about making a claim and what happens in a court hearing.

If Border Force seized your things

Send your notice of claim to Border Force’s post seizure unit.

National post seizure unit
Border Force
3rd Floor
West Point
Ebrington Street

If HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) seized your things

For excise goods such as alcohol, tobacco and fuel, send your notice of claim to:

Solicitor’s Office and Legal Services
HM Revenue and Customs
Cotton House
7 Cochrane Street
G1 1GY

For all other goods send your notice of claim to:

Solicitor’s Office and Legal Services
HM Revenue and Customs
Customs Reviews and Litigation

Check the notice or letter you got from customs if you do not know who seized your things. Contact HMRC if you need a copy of the notice.


Your notice of claim must be received by HMRC or Border Force within a month of your things being seized.

Your things are usually kept until your claim is decided, unless they’re perishable, for example they’re food.

You can appoint someone (for example, a solicitor) to deal with your claim and represent you in court.

Send an agent authority form with your notice of claim.

If you live outside the UK

You must appoint a UK solicitor to handle your claim and represent you in court.

Send an agent authority form giving the solicitor’s details with your notice of claim.