Claim a deputyship fee refund

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Who can claim

You can make a claim if you:

  • had a deputy previously
  • are acting on behalf of someone who had a deputy and has died

The deputyship must have been active between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2015.

If you’re still acting as a deputy, you do not need to apply. Any overcharged fees will be refunded automatically.

If you had a deputy previously

If you had a deputy but you now make your own decisions, you can apply for a refund.

You can also ask your property and financial affairs attorney to make a claim on your behalf.

If you’re acting on behalf of someone who has died

If the person who used to have a deputy (the ‘client’) has died, the executor of the will must claim the refund.

If there is no executor, an administrator of the estate can apply.

If there is no estate administrator, a family member can apply.

What you do with the refund

Any refund received should be divided between the beneficiaries of the client’s estate.

If the client’s estate has already been settled, you can get help from Citizens Advice or a solicitor to make sure you comply with the law.