Protocol - What is the evidence about glacier melt across the Himalayas?

Protocol for a systematic review


This is the protocol for a systematic review which will consider the evidence about glacier melt across the Himalayas. It will also consider the questions:

  • Are glaciers advancing or retreating, and are there regional differences?
  • Is the rate of glacial melt increasing across the region?
  • In what areas of research is evidence lacking and how best could future work ensure a more complete evidence base is developed?

The protocol provides background information and details of the methods to be used.


James Miller, Gwyn Rees, Tanya Warnaars, Gordon Young, David Collins, Arun Shrestha. Protocol - What is the evidence about glacier melt across the Himalayas? Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK, 17 pp.

Protocol - What is the evidence about glacier melt across the Himalayas?

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Published 1 January 2010