How to claim

You could get Universal Credit at the same time or instead of New Style ESA. Check if you’re eligible for Universal Credit.

There’s a different way to apply: 

What you need to apply

You’ll need:

  • your National Insurance number
  • your bank or building society account number and sort code (you can use a friend or family member’s account if you do not have one)
  • your doctor’s name, address and telephone number
  • a fit note (sometimes called a ‘sick note’ or a ‘statement of fitness for work’) if you’ve not been able to work for more than 7 days in a row because of a disability or health condition
  • details of your income, if you’re working
  • the date your Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) ends, if you’re claiming it

You cannot get New Style ESA if you’re getting Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) from an employer. You can apply for New Style ESA up to 3 months before your SSP ends.

Apply online for ESA

Once you’ve applied, you’ll be contacted by phone and told when to give the evidence and where to send it.

You cannot apply online if you’re applying as an appointee on someone else’s behalf.

Apply now

When you can apply by phone

Call the Jobcentre Plus new claims helpline if:

  • you cannot make an application online
  • you’re an appointee for someone

Jobcentre Plus new claims helpline

Telephone: 0800 055 6688
Textphone: 0800 328 1344
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 055 6688
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer - find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Welsh language telephone: 0800 328 1744
Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
Find out about call charges

After you apply

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will contact you within 10 working days of applying.

If you’re eligible

DWP will contact you within 10 working days to schedule an appointment that you must attend. It will normally be over the phone with a work coach from your local Jobcentre Plus office. If your appointment is in-person at a Jobcentre Plus office, you’ll need to bring ID and proof of address.

Your work coach will explain what you need to do to get New Style ESA. They will create an agreement with you called a ‘Claimant Commitment’.

You must agree to your Claimant Commitment before you can get New Style ESA.

At the appointment, you’ll be asked to:

If you’re not eligible

DWP will send you a letter within 10 working days of applying to explain why you’re not eligible for ESA.

If you disagree with a decision

You can challenge a decision about your claim. This is called asking for ‘mandatory reconsideration’.

Reapplying for ESA

You cannot make a new claim for income-related ESA. You’ll continue to get payments while you’re eligible until your claim ends.

You may be able to reapply after your New Style ESA ends. You may qualify again depending on:

  • what National Insurance contributions you paid in the last 2 full tax years before the tax year you’re claiming in
  • whether you’re placed in the support group because you developed a new condition or your health deteriorated
  1. Step 1 Check if you're eligible

    1. Check if you're eligible for ESA

    You might also be eligible for Universal Credit.

    1. Find out about Universal Credit
  2. and Start your claim

  3. Step 2 Attend the appointment with your work coach

    You'll agree what actions you need to take to get payments. This is called a 'Claimant Commitment'.

  4. Step 3 Get your first payment

    You’ll get a letter telling you if you’ll get New Style ESA and how much.

    1. How much you're paid
  5. and Give updates about your health and circumstances

    To keep getting New Style ESA you must send fit notes regularly and report any change in your circumstances.

    1. Send a fit note
    2. Report any change in your circumstances
  6. Step 4 Fill in and send the ESA50 form

    You'll get form ESA50 in the post within 4 weeks of your first payment. Return it within 28 days.

    1. Get help filling in ESA50 form
  7. Step 5 Attend a Work Capability Assessment

    You may need to go for a Work Capability Assessment. If you do, you'll get a letter telling you where to go and when.

    1. Prepare for your Work Capability Assessment
  8. Step 6 Get a decision about how much you'll get

    You'll get a letter with a decision. It will also tell you if you'll need to be assessed again.

    1. How much you can get
    2. Find out how to challenge the decision

    To keep getting the right amount you'll need to report any change in your circumstances.

    1. Report a change of circumstances
  9. Step 7 Check if your payments will stop or if you'll be reassessed

    You'll be told if your payments will stop and when.

    1. Get support from Jobcentre Plus when your payments stop

    If you'll need to be assessed again, you'll be sent an ESA50 form. This is normally within 3 years.