What you'll get

How much you get will depend on what stage your application is at, as well as things like your age and whether you’re able to get back into work.

If you get New Style ESA you’ll earn Class 1 National Insurance credits, which can help towards your State Pension and some benefits in the future.

What might affect how much you get paid

If you get New Style ESA

Your payments will be affected if you get more than £85 a week from a private pension. If you do, half of your private pension income over £85 will be subtracted from your ESA payments each week.

For example, if you get £100 a week from a private pension, then £7.50 will be subtracted from your ESA payment each week.

If your private pension income is high enough, you could get no ESA payments. You would still get Class 1 National Insurance credits.

You cannot make a new claim for income-related ESA. You’ll continue to get payments while you’re eligible until your claim ends.

Your household income and savings worth £6,000 or more may affect how much you can get.

While your claim is being assessed

You’ll normally get the ‘assessment rate’ for 13 weeks while your claim is being assessed.

This will be:

  • up to £71.70 a week if you’re aged under 25
  • up to £90.50 a week if you’re aged 25 or over

If it takes longer than 13 weeks to assess your claim, you’ll continue getting the ‘assessment rate’ until you get a decision or until your ESA is due to end.

Your ESA will be backdated if you’re owed any money after 13 weeks.

After you’re assessed

You’ll be placed into one of 2 groups if you’re entitled to ESA. If you’re able to get back into work in the future, you’ll be put into the work-related activity group. Otherwise, you’ll be put into the support group.

If you’re nearing the end of life, you’ll be put into the support group.

You’ll get:

  • up to £90.50 a week if you’re in the work-related activity group
  • up to £138.20 a week if you’re in the support group

If you’re in the support group

If you’re in the support group and on income-related ESA, you’re also entitled to the enhanced disability premium.

You may also qualify for the severe disability premium.

Find out how to apply for a disability premium.

How and when you’re paid

You’ll get paid ESA every 2 weeks.

Find out how and when your benefits are paid.

Other benefits you can claim

You could get Universal Credit at the same time or instead of New Style ESA. Check if you’re eligible for Universal Credit.

Use a benefits calculator to find out what other benefits you could get, for example Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you have a long-term health condition or disability.

The benefit cap may affect the total amount of benefit you can get. The cap will not affect you if you’re in the support group.

If your income-related ESA claim is ending because you’re making a new claim for Universal Credit, you’ll automatically continue to get the amount of ESA you currently receive, as long as you’re still eligible. You’ll normally get this for 2 weeks, starting from the date of your new claim.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will write to you telling you how this works.

You do not need to pay this money back, and it will not affect the amount of Universal Credit you get.

Budgeting Loan

You can apply for a Budgeting Loan if you’ve been on income-related ESA for at least 6 months.

Advice on money and debt

You can get help and advice from your Jobcentre Plus work coach or:

  1. Step 1 Check if you're eligible

    1. Check if you're eligible for ESA

    You might also be eligible for Universal Credit.

    1. Find out about Universal Credit
  2. and Start your claim

  3. Step 2 Attend the appointment with your work coach

    You'll agree what actions you need to take to get payments. This is called a 'Claimant Commitment'.

  4. Step 3 Get your first payment

    You’ll get a letter telling you if you’ll get New Style ESA and how much.

    1. You are currently viewing: How much you're paid
  5. and Give updates about your health and circumstances

    To keep getting New Style ESA you must send fit notes regularly and report any change in your circumstances.

    1. Send a fit note
    2. Report any change in your circumstances
  6. Step 4 Fill in and send the ESA50 form

    You'll get form ESA50 in the post within 4 weeks of your first payment. Return it within 28 days.

    1. Get help filling in ESA50 form
  7. Step 5 Attend a Work Capability Assessment

    You may need to go for a Work Capability Assessment. If you do, you'll get a letter telling you where to go and when.

    1. Prepare for your Work Capability Assessment
  8. Step 6 Get a decision about how much you'll get

    You'll get a letter with a decision. It will also tell you if you'll need to be assessed again.

    1. You are currently viewing: How much you can get
    2. Find out how to challenge the decision

    To keep getting the right amount you'll need to report any change in your circumstances.

    1. Report a change of circumstances
  9. Step 7 Check if your payments will stop or if you'll be reassessed

    You'll be told if your payments will stop and when.

    1. Get support from Jobcentre Plus when your payments stop

    If you'll need to be assessed again, you'll be sent an ESA50 form. This is normally within 3 years.