Export pig meat from Northern Ireland to China: certificate 7006NI

Use these forms and guidance documents to export frozen raw pork from Northern Ireland to the People's Republic of China.

These documents are for exports from Northern Ireland to China. There’s a different process for exporting pig meat from Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) to China.

What you need to do

Section A: Download and fill in the EHC and all other supplementary forms in this section.

Section B: Download all guidance notes. These documents have information for the exporter and certifying officer.

Check the relevant commodity section of the DAERA website for any other mandatory forms.

Submit the completed EHC application form using the DAERA online application system.

Always use the latest certificate

Before you apply, make sure you have the most up to date version of the certificate as certificates are sometimes updated. The most up to date versions will be hosted on this page.

If you do not use the latest version, your application will not be accepted.

Updates to this page

Published 3 May 2019
Last updated 20 November 2024 + show all updates
  1. Guidance notes updated

  2. Section II fields on EHC reverted to all upper case lettering.

  3. Guidance notes updated

  4. EHC updated to allow for a mix of upper and lower case letters in section II fields.

  5. Guidance notes updated

  6. Guidance on completion of the interactive pre-certificate application: 7006EXA updated

  7. Updated guidance notes for 7006 part 5

  8. Updated version of ANNA now available

  9. Updated guidance notes for part 5 - exporting cold stores

  10. The list of establishments on guidance notes for 7006 part 5 updated

  11. There has been an addition to the guidance notes for 7006 part 5: exporting cold stores

  12. Guidance on completion of the application and guidance notes parts 3, 4 and 5 updated to explain changes to approval numbers.

  13. Additional cold store added to Annex II of Guidance notes for 7006 part 5: exporting cold stores.

  14. 7006ANNA and 7006NFG Part 2: Farm Assurances updated with information regarding COVID-19.

  15. Amended II(a) of IMC to include cold store.

  16. Addition of line 19 in the Annex with one more Northern Ireland cold store approved

  17. Change to annex in part 5 of NFG

  18. Amendments have been made to the attached file entitled "Guidance notes for 7006 part 1: General Principles" in the section referring to Trotters

  19. 7006 part 5: exporting cold stores updated as new premises authorised for the export of trotters.

  20. Additional UK establishment given approval for trotters in 7006NFG - Part 5_Exporting Cold Stores. Updated SOP added to 7006NFG - Part 1_ General Principles.

  21. First published.