Fish, shellfish or crustacean farm authorisation
How to get authorised to set up a fish, shellfish or crustacean farm: application process, conditions and records you must keep.
Applies to England and Wales
Before setting up a fish, shellfish or crustacean farm (called an aquaculture production business (APB)) you must apply to the Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) for authorisation, as required under The Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009. This is to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious diseases.
Shellfish farm authorisation applications may require additional documents to be submitted at the application stage, please check page 3 of the AW1 application form.
There are many other regulatory requirements for new aquaculture businesses. A full list of these can be found on the SEAFISH Aquaculture Regulatory Toolbox for England. and Aquaculture Regulatory Toolbox for Wales
How to apply for authorisation
When you apply for authorisation the steps are:
- you apply to the FHI for Authorisation to set up a new aquaculture production business
- you receive a confirmation email/letter with guidance on developing a biosecurity measures plan (BMP). This will also explain if your application must undergo a statutory consultation with other government bodies, please note, this can take up to 90 days to complete
- an authorisation inspection visit will be arranged where required
- during the inspection your draft BMP will be reviewed and advice given on statutory record keeping requirements and use of the electronic record keeping system FHI Online, which has been developed by Cefas for authorised aquaculture production businesses in England and Wales
- a recommendation will be made to the authorisation officer
One of the following then happens:
- authorisation is recommended
- authorisation in principle is recommended, the FHI will continue to work with the applicant until full authorisation is recommended
- authorisation not recommended, reasons will be given by the FHI
Authorisation for a purification plant
To set up a shellfish purification plant you need to:
- apply to FHI for Authorisation to set up a new aquaculture production business. Please see above for the process
- contact your local authority to arrange approval of the facilities to process shellfish for human consumption
Rules for purification centres are set by the Food Standards Agency).
Authorisation for Exporters
To be authorised as an exporter you need to:
apply to the FHI for export authorisation to be authorised as an exporter– AUTEXP.
you will get a confirmation letter with guidance on developing a biosecurity measures plan (BMP).
upon receipt of application, an inspector will arrange a site visit within approximately 7 working days.
the visiting inspector will explain the conditions of authorisation that your site will have to meet and assess your draft BMP.
the visiting inspector will then make a recommendation to an authorisation officer.
If the inspector is satisfied that your plans comply with the conditions of authorisation, the following then happens:
you will be authorised and issued (or reissued if you are an already authorised under the FHI) an authorisation certificate from the FHI, and your site will be placed under our risk-based surveillance programme.
an inspector will arrange a compliance visit within 4 weeks to assess whether you are meeting all the conditions of authorisation for exporters.
if your site is complying with the conditions of authorisation, the visiting inspector with advise the authorisation officer that you can begin exporting following the Export Guidance.
Export Authorisation can take up to 6 weeks.
If your application is unsuccessful
If your application is turned down the FHI will tell you the reasons why and will work with you to resolve problems. They’ll also tell you how you can appeal against their decision.
Fish Health Inspectorate
Telephone: 01305 206 700 Out of hours: 01305 206 630.
Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4:30pm
Updates to this page
Fixed broken links and updated contact email address.
Updated FHI Online hyperlink.
Updated to include hyperlink to FHI Online.
Updated Biosecurity Measures Plan link.
Updated out of hours office number,
Text amended to include the Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 statement.
Guidance page up-dated and streamlined for ease of use - links updated
Changes to include the new requirements for export authorisation.
Added link to SEAFISH Aquaculture Regulatory Toolbox for England.
Added a section on the need for some applications to undergo statutory consultations.
First published.