Form AW1: Application to authorise a fish or shellfish farm
Use the AW1 form to apply to authorise your existing or new fish or shellfish farm, and to farm non native species
Applies to England and Wales
Use this form to apply to the Fish Health Inspectorate to authorise your fish, mollusc or crustacean farm, as required under The Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009.
You can also use this form to apply to farm non native species at a new or existing site, or request changes to your current site.
Updates to this page
Updated form AW1 from v2.3 to v2.4.
Form, details page amended to include the AAHR2009 notice.
Form update to current version (2.3.)
Updated form AW1 from V2.1. to V2.2.
Details of change: Data protection statement updated and form version number amended.
A new version of the form now attached to include required evidence for marine APB's
A new version of this form has now become available, and now uploaded.
Updated form to new format and layout for better usability.
Updated the AW1 form to new government branding
First published.