Foreign travel advice


Warning FCDO advises against all but essential travel to parts of Bangladesh.

Safety and security

You should also read FCDO’s overall travel advice and regional risks advice.


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. You should remain vigilant at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Bangladesh

Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Bangladesh.

Attacks could target the following locations:

  • crowded areas and places where foreign nationals are known to gather
  • religious buildings
  • political rallies

There have been occasional attacks against minority religious communities and targeting police and security forces. These have included improvised explosive device (IED) attacks in major cities. Some groups have also targeted people who they consider to have views and lifestyles contrary to Islam.

Significant events include:

  • 2017 – Daesh claimed responsibility for bombings in multiple locations, including targeting a security check post near Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
  • 2016 – there was an attack claimed by Daesh at the Holey Artisan Bakery in the Gulshan 2 district of Dhaka, which resulted in the death of 20 hostages, including foreign nationals, and 2 police officers
  • 2015 to 2016 – groups affiliated to Al Qaeda in the Indian Sub-continent (AQIS) claimed responsibility for murders in Dhaka and Sylhet targeting human rights activists and secular bloggers

The Bangladeshi authorities continue to disrupt planned attacks. Increases in security force presence and restrictions on movement may be put in place at short notice. You should remain aware of your surroundings, particularly in and around police buildings. Avoid large gatherings and other locations with a police or security presence. Follow the advice of local authorities.

Political situation

Bangladesh has a long history of political violence.

National elections took place on 7 January. Political rallies and demonstrations may continue to take place. These can quickly turn violent and lead to clashes with law enforcement. During demonstrations and strikes (‘hartals’), there can be arson, violence and vandalism in towns and cities across the country and, on occasion, resulting in fatalities. Attacks against property and public transport are possible. There can also be disruption to local and regional transport services.

Avoid large gatherings (including demonstrations and rallies) and political buildings. If you see a demonstration starting, move to a place of safety.

Follow updates in local media and get email notifications when this travel advice is updated. Bangladesh TV (BTV) has English-language news.


Robbery and violence

Criminal gangs operate in Dhaka and other cities. Thieves often work in pairs on motorcycles or motorised rickshaws known as ‘CNGs’.

Potential threats include armed robbery, violent crime and rape.

Passengers using rickshaws or travelling alone in taxis are vulnerable, particularly at night. Avoid using public transport if you’re alone.

Protecting your belongings

Be aware of pickpockets and bag-snatchers. Do not carry large amounts of money, use a mobile phone or wear jewellery in the street.

Visiting police stations

There have been reports of officials abusing their authority. Make sure someone goes with you if you visit a police station.

Dhaka and Sylhet airports

Risks at Dhaka and Sylhet airports include:

  • theft, including passport theft
  • harassment
  • taxi drivers overcharging or robbing customers

You should:

  • avoid touts offering to carry your bags
  • keep documents and belongings safe
  • arrange taxis in advance

Laws and cultural differences

Local customs reflect the fact Bangladesh is mainly an Islamic country.

Personal ID

Local officials may ask you for ID.

Carry photocopies of the personal details page in your passport and Bangladeshi visa. Keep the originals somewhere safe and leave copies with friends or relatives in the UK.

Dress code

Both men and women should dress modestly to avoid causing offence. Women are advised to cover their shoulders and legs when in public.


Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims.

Get advice on respecting Ramadan when you arrive from your tour guide, hotel or business contacts.

You should:

  • check opening hours of shops and restaurants
  • follow local dress codes – clothing that does not meet local dress codes may cause more offence at this time, both for women and men
  • be aware that fasting can cause tiredness, particularly during the later afternoon and early evening

Dual Bangladeshi-British nationals

If you’re a dual British-Bangladeshi national, the Bangladeshi government will consider you to be a Bangladeshi citizen, even if you:

  • have never had a Bangladeshi passport
  • were born outside Bangladesh

This may limit the help the British government can offer you. For more information on Bangladeshi nationality, check with the Bangladesh High Commission London.

The Bangladesh Police Expatriate Help Cell offers services to expatriates, including dual nationals.

Alcohol laws

You may need a liquor permit to drink alcohol in Bangladesh. A liquor permit allows you to drink alcohol in government-licensed bars. Check the requirements at your local district office and apply for a permit if necessary.

Illegal drugs penalties

There are severe penalties for possessing and trafficking illegal drugs. Some drug-related offences are punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment.

Prison sentences and conditions

If you break local laws, you may get a prison sentence, served in a local prison. Delays and inefficiency in the judicial system can result in long detentions until court hearings eventually take place. Prison conditions are far below UK standards.

British nationals detained in Bangladesh have the right to request that the British High Commission in Dhaka is notified about their situation and British High Commission officials can gain access to them.

Family law and property disputes

Family law in Bangladesh is very different from UK law. Take particular care when, for example, child custody is an issue.

The British High Commission in Dhaka cannot help British nationals of Bangladeshi origin with land or property problems.

FCDO has a list of English-speaking lawyers in Bangladesh.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex relations are illegal in Bangladesh.

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

Transport risks

Road travel

If you are planning to drive in Bangladesh, see information on driving abroad.

You need an international driving permit (IDP) and a UK driving licence to drive in Bangladesh. You cannot buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.

Bangladesh has a high rate of road accidents. Take great care when travelling by road, including by public transport, and when crossing streets. Cycle rickshaws are not safe – they offer little protection if there is an accident.

Ride hailing apps like Uber are available in Bangladesh. To make sure you get in the right car safely:

  • wait in a safe location, not out on the street
  • match the car’s registration plate, make and model
  • ask the driver to state your name
  • check the driver’s photo
  • share your journey details and consider enabling GPS tracking on your phone so trusted contacts can see your location

In Bangladesh:

  • driving standards are poor
  • many drivers do not hold the correct licence or road worthiness certificates for their vehicles
  • mandatory vehicle safety checks are often ignored
  • a large number of rickshaws use the roads and ignore traffic laws

Driving at night is especially dangerous as many drivers do not use headlights or use full-beam headlights. There is also a risk of robbery if you travel between towns after dark. Avoid travelling alone at night.


The risks of travelling by bus include:

  • extremely poor maintenance and driving standards
  • frequent traffic collisions, some resulting in deaths
  • rape, sexual assaults and other crimes, sometimes committed by the bus crew

Avoid travelling by bus alone and at night.

Private hire vehicles

Police are often unable to verify private hire drivers’ details, as driving records are often inaccurate.

Air travel

When you’re travelling through an airport, allow enough time to complete check-in and security procedures, as both you and your baggage will need to go through security screening checks, including X-ray checks.

In 2019, an attempted hijacking took place of a Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight from Dhaka to Dubai via Chittagong. The Bangladesh Civil Aviation Ministry has completed its investigation into the incident. Extra security measures are in place.

Rail travel

The rail network is extensive but old and generally considered slow.

Rail travel risks include:

  • frequent fatal accidents
  • flood-damaged bridges and culverts in dangerous condition
  • crime, including theft and sexual assault

On some trains, you may be able to lock first-class compartment doors. Make sure the door is locked if you’re travelling at night.

For information see Bangladesh Railways.

Sea and river travel

River and sea ferry risks include:

  • dangerous overcrowding, particularly during religious holidays and other festivals
  • falsified safety certificates on some vessels
  • missing or inappropriate safety and survival equipment
  • lack of communication equipment
  • criminal gangs targeting vessels

Extreme weather and natural disasters

Monsoon season

The monsoon season runs from June to September and can cause widespread flooding and travel disruption.

If travelling, you should check:

Tropical cyclones

There is a risk of tropical cyclones in Bangladesh. See extreme weather and natural hazards advice that includes what to do if you’re caught in a storm.

Check weather reports from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department and the World Meteorological Organisation.


Bangladesh can be affected by tsunamis and the government of Bangladesh can issue tsunami warnings. Monitor local news and follow any advice given by local authorities.


Around half of Bangladesh, including the cities of Moulvibazar and Sylhet, is in a high-risk earthquake zone. Other areas, including Dhaka, are at moderate risk. Tremors and earthquakes, usually minor ones, happen occasionally.

See earthquake advice from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency.