Foreign travel advice


Paris 2024 Paralympic Games

The 2024 Paralympic Games take place between 28 August and 8 September in France. If you are travelling to attend:

Visa and entry requirements

Make sure to check the entry requirements for France, especially the information on passport validity and visa-free travel for visits within the 90-day limit.

Travel insurance  

Before travelling, you should make sure that you have a travel insurance policy that will cover you for your trip and any planned activities.

Health insurance

Make sure you have appropriate health cover abroad before travelling.

Check TravelHealthPro’s Summer Olympics and Paralympics 2024 guidance.

Safety at the Paralympics

Read our guidance about staying safe and secure whilst in France, including additional information about respecting local laws and cultural differences.

Paralympic Games tickets  

Detailed information about Paralympic Games tickets is available, in English, on the Paris 2024 Official Ticketing website.  

You should only buy tickets from the official provider. Tickets will usually be digital, and you should download them from the official website. Make sure you charge your phone and take into account potential roaming charges in France – check with your provider before you travel.

Entry to venues  

Entry restrictions may be different for each stadium. Check the Paris 2024 Paralympic Venues Guide for more information. You are allowed to carry a small power bank so that you have enough power on your phone to show your ticket. Make sure you have a valid form of ID with you.

Transport to the event

Transport routes around Paris and other venues will be busy during the Paralympics. Airports and mainline train stations will also be busier than usual. Local authorities may ask you to enter or leave venues using specific routes. Make sure you:  

  • plan your journey 

  • leave plenty of time to reach your destination   

More information on travel in Paris, and other locations in France during the Games, is available, in English, on the Paris Tourist Board and Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) websites.