Digital solution for employment tribunals fees
JADU Ltd provided a secure digital solution to taking employment tribunals fees.

Case study
Name of company:
Contract title:
Employment tribunals fees solution
Brief company details:
British company with 65 employees. This is the first contract awarded to JADU by the Ministry of Justice.
Contract summary and highlights:
The MoJ requirement was for an online form to take payments in a secure way, using IL3 data management policies. The system had to be ITHC (IT Health Check) accredited, including a full workflow and management system for fee groups and transactions.
A solution was delivered within the budget and on time. A contract award through the G-Cloud route was simple and efficient and the MoJ was able to deliver the solution within a short space of time.
A modern and effective mechanism for managing the employment tribunal fees process was introduced. The solution can be iterated to meet the ‘Digital by Default’ standard.
Did pre market engagement occur, and if so what impact did it have on the procurement strategy? Were SMEs involved in the pre market engagement?
Pre-procurement market engagement revealed potential sources of supply. This provided a better understanding of requirements to potential suppliers and identified key players in market. A large number of SMEs were involved in market engagement.
How did we make the decision on the optimal lot size? Were SME views taken into account?
The procurement started as a multiple lot. The requirement was broken down to encourage participation in the procurement. The contract was awarded as one lot as such offered better value for money.
Were tangible savings delivered as consequence of SME involvement/re view of lot size?
£500,000 was saved.