Teaching vacancies helps save time and money on recruitment
Teaching vacancies is a free job-listing service from the Department for Education (DfE) available to all schools and academy trusts in England.

Wales High School Academy
Wales High School Academy is a single-academy trust based in Sheffield. The school was spending a considerable amount on recruitment, using an advertising package that cost around £1,000 per advert. They were keen to increase the coverage and visibility of their vacancies to encourage a more diverse range of suitable applicants, to improve choice for the final selection.
The school signed up to Teaching vacancies because it is a free platform provided by DfE, aimed at qualified teachers. The school was confident that using Teaching vacancies would find professional people for their teaching roles. Wales High School Academy describes the benefits of using the service as the ease of use and how quick it is to upload their information.
Teaching vacancies has enabled the school to extend their reach for candidates and save money as they now only spend between £1,000 and £2,000 a year on additional advertising.
Between 2019 and 2021, Wales High School Academy successfully hired over 20 teachers with the majority of candidates having applied through Teaching vacancies. This included subjects more difficult to recruit for, such as geography and maths. Through the savings made, the school could afford to employ an additional teacher.
Backwell School
Backwell School is a secondary school which is part of a multi-academy trust based in Bristol. The school found it challenging recruiting teachers for subjects such as maths and IT and wanted to extend recruitment advertising to attract a more diverse pool of teachers.
The school signed up to use Teaching vacancies which allowed them to reach a broader range of teaching staff with the necessary skills in maths and IT.
They found Teaching vacancies simple and quick to use and liked the feature of being able to provide additional information about the school. Edits to job listings can easily be made without having to begin the process again to refine the applications.
By using Teaching vacancies, the school has reached a wider demographic of candidates and extended the visibility of their vacancies beyond the Bristol area. The school successfully hired 2 teachers who applied through Teaching vacancies.
Knollmead Primary School
Knollmead Primary School is a single-form entry school based in Surrey, part of the Coombe Academy Trust. The school has special educational needs (SEN) provision for hearing impairment and autistic spectrum disorder pupils.
The school had encountered problems with attracting candidates as it is not well known and needed to reduce the amount spent on recruitment.
Knollmead Primary School signed up to use Teaching vacancies as it is a free service and there is a direct connection between schools and potential candidates. The school appreciate that the service is quick and simple to use when advertising jobs and gives access to a broad range of suitably qualified teachers.
They recently filled a vacancy, with the successful candidate applying through Teaching vacancies and will continue to use this service as their preferred option for recruitment. Using Teaching vacancies has freed up budget for investment in other services.
You can register for the service at Teaching vacancies.
If you have any questions, you can contact the Teaching Vacancies team.