School resource management: case studies
Examples of how school resource management tools and guidance have helped schools and academy trusts achieve better value for money from their resources.
We recognise there are many ways to approach to school resource management in schools. These case studies show how a range of schools and academy trusts have utilised the school resource management offer to develop their financial management and make efficiencies to support better educational outcomes for children and young people.
Find the full range of school resource management tools and guidance on GOV.UK
If you have any feedback, or other examples of good practice then please get in touch with us:
Best value procurement
You can access all of the DfE-approved frameworks at: Find a DfE approved framework for your school
Workforce recruitment and deployment
Data and financial planning
Impact of school business professionals
School resource management adviser (SRMA) programme
Updates to this page
We have added new case studies to the school resource management page.
Updated to add a case study on Minerva Learning Trust.
Added group 'Impact of school business professionals' and 3 case studies within group.
Two new case studies now added.
Updated to add 4 new case studies.
First published.