2016/17 national tariff proposals
Help shape the final proposals for the 2016/17 national tariff statutory consultation.
We are currently considering feedback from our consultation and engagement events. The next step in the process for the 2016/17 national tariff will the publication of final proposals which will take place in the new year.
We encourage all those with an interest in the national tariff to continue to use this opportunity to review our proposals and let us know your views.
Top-up payments for specialised services
Our proposals to reform top-up payments for specialised services, which will be included in the 2016/17 national tariff consultation.
Local payment rules covering mental health services
Read our payment proposals for mental health care for adults and older people.
Currency design and relative prices
Thank you to everyone who responded to who shared their views on our proposals.
National variations and locally determined prices
Thank you to everyone who responded to who shared their views on our proposals.
Updates to this page
Added proposals for reforming top-up payments for specialised services.
Updated page with Monitor and NHS England's proposed changes to local payment rules covering mental health services in the NHS, which are now available to feed back on.
First published.