2016/17 national tariff proposals: national variations and locally determined prices
National tariff proposals on national variations and locally determined prices and an opportunity to share your views.
Applies to England
This is the second in a series of proposals that Monitor and NHS England asked for your views on for the 2016/17 national tariff. In it we explain our proposed changes to the rules concerning national variations, the rules for locally determined prices and the method for determining applications for local modifications.
The deadline for responses was midday, Monday 21 September 2015.
Thank you to everyone who responded. Your feedback will be important in helping to shape the final proposals that will be subject to statutory consultation and will help us to ensure that the national tariff acts in the best interest of patients.
Correction (9 September 2015)
On page 23 in Annex 1 of the document, the first sentence should read:
We are proposing that for emergency admissions above 2008/09 levels, providers should receive 70%.