
Air quality grant scheme

For local authorities to bid for support on measures to improve air quality.

Defra’s air quality grant scheme provides funding to eligible local authorities to help improve air quality.

The scheme helps local authorities make air quality improvements and meet their statutory duties under the Environment Act 1995. It has awarded nearly £92 million in funding to a variety of projects since it started in 1997.

Air quality grant scheme 2023 to 2024

Local authorities in England can apply for the Air Quality Grant 2023 to 2024.

The grant is competitive and will award at least £6 million to local authorities in England.

You must apply by midday on 29 September 2023.

There are 2 application lots for this grant period:

Lot 1 is for projects that will improve local air quality - especially in areas that are projected to remain in exceedance of local air quality objectives, such as for nitrogen dioxide. Defra will prioritise local authorities:

  • where an exceedance has been identified
  • that have one or more Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs)

Lot 2 is for projects that will improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution, and projects for measures that deal with particulate matter.

You must apply using Atamis, Defra’s online tendering system.

Contact us

You can send any questions about grant applications using the messaging tool in Atamis.

If you have a general query about air quality, email the Defra Helpline.

Air quality grant funding

Updates to this page

Published 26 June 2013
Last updated 7 August 2023 show all updates
  1. Added the press release '£6 million to improve air quality in local communities'.

  2. Local authorities in England can apply for the Air Quality Grant 2023 to 2024.

  3. Edited to include the 2022 to 2023 award announcement and press release

  4. The air quality grant scheme for 2022 to 2023 has closed.

  5. The closing date for applications for the air quality grant has changed to midday on 27 September 2022.

  6. The application deadline has been corrected from 2023 to 2022. It originally said 'You must apply by midday 23 September 2023' and has been changed to 'You must apply by midday 23 September 2022'.

  7. Added a link to the press release '£7 million fund for local action to cut air pollution'.

  8. Updated the amount of funding that has been awarded and added how to apply for the 2022 to 2023 air quality grant scheme.

  9. Added details of those awarded funding in this year's scheme.

  10. Added information about the air quality grant scheme for 2021 to 2022.

  11. Added link to press release about £5 million boost for local authorities to tackle air pollution.

  12. Removed details of air quality grants application process as it now closed.

  13. Added information about the air quality grant 2020 to 2021.

  14. Updated to include the list of local authority schemes receiving funding in this round (2020).

  15. Added details about the air quality grant 2019 to 2020.

  16. Added a link to the press releases outlining which local authorities were awarded grants for 2018-2019.

  17. Added a link to the latest application round for the air quality grant.

  18. List of successful air quality grant projects for 2017 to 2018 added.

  19. Updated to include a link to this year's grant programme application. Applications must be received by 22 December 2017.

  20. Added a link to the 2016/17 grants awarded press release.

  21. Added details of those awarded funding in this year's scheme.

  22. Details of 2015/16 scheme added.

  23. Updated the application section as grant scheme is open to applications until 11 September 2014.

  24. Updated with information about the Air Quality Grant Scheme 2014 to 2015.

  25. Updated to reflect that the application window has closed and local authorities receiving a grant have been announced.

  26. First published.