News story

New projects receive £1 million to improve local air quality

Environment Minister Dan Rogerson has announced the local authorities to receive new funding from the Air Quality Grant Programme

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

More than thirty projects across England will benefit from a £1 million government fund to improve air quality, Environment Minister Dan Rogerson has announced today.

This money will be used for a wide range of new local projects in 28 local authority areas who have each been awarded between £10,000 and £60,000.

Environment Minister Dan Rogerson said:

Local authorities have come up with some great ideas for improving air quality across our towns and cities.

Air quality has improved significantly in recent decades and it’s vital we do everything we can to keep that going. Funding these projects is another important step and will help local authorities keep up their good work.

New projects to receive funding from the Air Quality Grant Programme include:

  • £21,305 for a new scheme to encourage cycling in Chichester,
  • £18,950 to fund the introduction of 20mph zones in Cambridge;
  • £23,500 feasibility study for changing road layouts and HGV routes in North Hertfordshire.

Introduced in 1997, the Annual Air Quality Grant Programme has allocated over £50 million to support local authorities in monitoring and improving air quality.

The grant programme for 2013 to 2014 focussed on supporting projects set up to deal with high nitrogen dioxide levels normally associated with road transport.

Local authorities who receive grant funding will be required to provide a progress report by November next year and audit checks will be carried out to check how appropriately the money has been spent.

List of local authorities receiving funding in 2013 to 2014

Blaby District Council Investigating the impact of smoothing traffic flow using micro-simulation modelling £60,000
Bradford Metropolitan District Council AQ and Health Strategy £46,000
Bradford Metropolitan District Council LEZ assessment for Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield £14k £14,000
Brighton and Hove City Council Development of strategic action plan measures £32,500
Bristol City Council Health research, LES, electric bikes (Raising awareness, study into electric bicycles, LEZ support etc.) £29,000
Cambridge City Council 20mph zone £18,950
Chichester District Council Behaviour change programme - cycling £21,305
City of London Community engagement for action £29,000
City of London (joint bid) Engagement through hospitals £56,000
East Hertfordshire Council Sustainable Travel Campaign with range of measures £29,000
LB Camden Behaviour change programme £31,000
LB Ealing Coordinated approach to Horn Lane, incl. PM monitoring and source apportionment and LES for PM & NOx. £29,000
LB Islington Solid fuel combustion from canal boats £24,000
LB Islington Behaviour change programme £38,000
LB Merton Businesses on industrial estate £10,000
LB Tower Hamlets (and Islington) VMS on Tower Bridge for anti-idling £20,000
Leeds City Council Hybrid taxis - including modelling £38,000
Lewes District Council Modal shift measures - mainly cycling £29,000
North Hertfordshire District Council Feasibility study for changing road layout and HGV route survey £23,500
Reading Borough Council Solid Fuel Combustion £12,000
Reading Borough Council Anti-idling campaign £12,500
Royal Borough of Greenwich Low Emission Vans £15,000
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Green infrastructure £43,000
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Targeting schools and businesses £20,000
Sheffield Communication programme prior to LEZ implementation £46,000
Shropshire Council Monitoring for UTMC system £24,450
South Hams District Council Modelling of Action Plan measures £12,380
South Lakeland District Council Behaviour change programme £29,000
South Oxfordshire District Council Oxfordshire Air Thoughts’ website and coordination £29,000
Southampton Developing an overarching LES, with strategies for taxis, buses, freight, health comms, planning. £60,000
Wakefield Council Modelling of Action Plan measures (Paramics) £60,000
West Berkshire Council Personalised Travel Planning £38,000
Westminster City Council Communication project with public health £20,000

Updates to this page

Published 28 November 2013
Last updated 29 November 2013 + show all updates
  1. Added list of local authorities receiving funding under this grant programme for 2013 to 2014.

  2. First published.