
Alcohol and drugs evidence reviews and inquiries

Reports and reviews relating to substance misuse.

Policy makers, commissioners and service providers can use the evidence presented in these reviews and reports when deciding how best to implement policies and interventions relating to drugs and alcohol.

Visit Alcohol and drug misuse prevention and treatment guidance for information on commissioning and providing alcohol and drug misuse treatment in England.

Visit Tobacco and smoking: policy, regulation and guidance and E-cigarettes and vaping: policy, regulation and guidance for evidence reviews, guidance and information related to smoking and vaping.



Updates to this page

Published 17 March 2021
Last updated 8 December 2021 show all updates
  1. Added 'Review of drugs: phase one report' and 'Review of drugs: phase two report'.

  2. Added 'Alcohol consumption and harm during the COVID-19 pandemic'.

  3. First published.