Prescribed medicines review: report
Report of the review of the evidence for dependence on, and withdrawal from, prescribed medicines.
Public Health England (PHE) has completed a public health evidence review of available data and published evidence on the problems of dependence and withdrawal associated with some prescribed medicines.
The report includes:
- context
- scope
- methods
- conclusions and recommendations
The report is accompanied by a summary document, a guide for patients and a set of prescribing data for each clinical commissioning group in England.
Reports for the rapid evidence assessment commissioned by PHE were produced by the National Guideline Centre (NGC).
The technical annexe and mapping of medicines in the review provide further information.
The Prescribed medicines review folder contains declarations of interests of the expert reference group (ERG) members, ERG meeting notes and presentations, call for evidence letter and general updates from the review.
A slide pack of infographics summarises the review’s findings and recommendations. The pack can be downloaded for use in presentations and social media.
Updates to this page
Clarified that placebo-controlled trials looked at possible withdrawal symptoms in summary and report. Other minor amendments to report, including Appendix A.
Added link to infographics slide pack.
First published.