
Applying for energy infrastructure consents

The consent process for energy infrastructure projects in England and Wales.

This content provides the detail of the following energy infrastructure consent processes:

  • offshore electricity generating stations, including offshore renewable energy installation safety zones and decommissioning
  • onshore electricity power stations
  • overhead lines
  • necessary wayleaves, and tree felling or lopping
  • gas pipelines

Find out about the related regulatory processes and how they affect you.

The UK Energy Portal

The UK Energy Portal processes applications for consent under the Electricity Act 1989 for overhead power lines and necessary wayleaves.

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The department carries out certain development consent functions under the Planning Act 2008 and the Electricity Act 1989 for nationally significant energy infrastructure projects in England and Wales. Similar functions in Scotland and Northern Ireland are fully devolved.

The department administers the provisions of the Electricity Act 1989 for developers seeking development consents from the Secretary of State for overhead electric lines and associated permissions (necessary wayleaves, compulsory purchase orders) in England and Wales.

The department also administers the provisions of the Transport and Works Act 1992 in respect of energy related applications in UK territorial waters adjoining England. For similar development in territorial waters adjacent to Wales, Welsh Ministers take the decision. (The Transport and Works Act 1992 does not apply in Scotland).

Archived Energy Infrastructure site

The previous Energy Infrastructure pages have been archived: please check them if you are looking for older content.

Key energy infrastructure

Applications and decisions


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Published 1 January 2000