Consultation outcome

Southern North Sea review of consents: draft Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

The Secretary of State for BEIS, alongside the Marine Management Organisation, has undertaken a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) in respect of offshore wind farms consented under the Planning Act 2008, Electricity Act 1989 and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 that may cause a significant effect on the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

See the decision and HRA.

Original consultation


We're seeking views on a draft Habitats Regulations Assessment for a review of consented wind farms in the Southern North Sea cSAC/SCI.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

In January 2017 the Southern North Sea candidate Special Area of Conservation / Site of Community Importance (cSAC/SCI) was designated for the protection of harbour porpoise.

When a new SAC is designated there is a statutory requirement for a review to be undertaken of certain projects. As part of the review, the competent authorities (in this case BEIS and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)) are required to undertake a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA).

The draft HRA published here informs the review of 6 offshore wind farm consents and considers representations made in a Call for Information issued in October 2017.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of all interested parties on the draft HRA.


Review of consented offshore wind farms in the Southern North Sea harbour porpoise SCI / candidate SAC: draft HRA

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Noise modelling for Southern North Sea SCI Habitat Assessment: technical note

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Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment

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Updates to this page

Published 1 November 2018
Last updated 25 September 2020 show all updates
  1. Habitats Regulations Assessment and decision letter published.

  2. First published.

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