Best Value Inspection: Spelthorne Borough Council
Documents relating to the Best Value Inspection of Spelthorne Borough Council.
This page collates all publications relating to the inspection of Spelthorne Borough Council announced in May 2024 and conducted under section 10 of the Local Government Act 1999.
As of March 2023, relative to size, Spelthorne’s debt was the second highest level of debt for a district authority in England (£1.096 billion). The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities commissioned the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to undertake a detailed capital assurance review of Spelthorne Borough Council.
CIPFA’s review concluded the portfolio of debt-funded investments for Spelthorne Borough Council was very large and that there were serious financial concerns relating to the Council’s affordable housing plans. Considering the review’s findings, together with the Council’s response and other related assessments, ministers took the view that there were clear financial risks, and, if they materialise, that would likely have significant impact on local residents and some impact on the national public purse.
Accordingly, to support the Council to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement, Lesley Seary, Mervyn Greer, Peter Robinson and Deborah McLaughlin were appointed to inspect Spelthorne Borough Council’s compliance with its Best Value Duty.
On 17 March 2025, the Minister for Local Government and English Devolution, Jim McMahon OBE MP, announced in a written ministerial statement the publication of the Best Value Inspection report and that he is minded to exercise powers of direction under section 15(5) and 15(6) of the Local Government Act 1999, to ensure the Spelthorne Borough Council’s compliance with the Best Value Duty. He also invited representations from the Council and other interested parties on both the report, and the proposal for a statutory support package by 28 March 2025.
Updates to this page
Added Best Value Inspection report and letter to the Chief Executive (17 March 2025).
Added Spelthorne Borough Council: Letter to the Chief Executive extending the time period for the Best Value Inspection (26 November 2024).
Added Spelthorne Borough Council: Assistant Best Value Inspector appointment letters.
Added Letter to the Chief Executive extending the time period for the Best Value Inspection.
First published.