BIS occasional statistics
This series brings together BIS occasional statistics.
Occasional statistical publications produced by Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) analysts. Typically these are small pieces of ad hoc analyses.
Updates to this page
'Teaching quality in higher education: applicant and graduate views' added.
UK business sectors: indicators of concentration and Regional goods export data for October to December 2015 added.
UK Participation in Horizon 2020 and Framework Programme 7 added
Construction of domestic buildings: numbers by country added
Added Entrepreneurship Modules: student numbers, August 2014 to July 2015 academic year.
Added 'Regional goods export data: July to September 2015'.
Added Free school meals: pupil progression to higher education
Added regional goods export data for April to July 2015.
Added Migrant entrepreneur visas: numbers of employees and turnover
Regional goods export data added
Numbers of UK private sector enterprises by employees and turnover analysis added
Public expenditure on research and innovation 2013 to 2014 added
Training away from the workplace, January 1995 to December 2014 added
Added research and analysis on private non-financial corporations cash research.
Added numbers of part-timers seeking full-time employment.
Self-employed workers: comparison by length of time in employment added
Self-employed workers: comparison by age and length of employment added
Self-employment in the UK publication added
Agency workers: pay between assignments survey added
Added Survey of awareness of national minimum wage rates - October 2014
Added Historical labour market statistics
Added findings from the survey of employment tribunal applications 2013: characteristics of employment tribunal claimants
Added statistics on young people in full-time education and employment.
Added further findings from the Survey of Employment Tribunal Applications 2013.
Added Proportion of jobs which are highly skilled, by government office region.
January to March 2014 graduate employment figures from the Labour Force Survey added
First published.