Breast screening: information leaflets
These publications explain breast screening and support the NHS Breast Screening Programme.
Printed copies of the Breast screening: helping you decide invitation leaflet are provided free of charge to breast screening services and their mailing companies. Orders of this leaflet are limited to one copy per individual per screening invitation.
See How to order population screening leaflets for guidance.
All the other breast screening public information leaflets listed here are available as online HTML publications to signpost people to as appropriate. They can also be printed off locally for people who cannot access digital information.
See how to print digital leaflets if you need to provide copies to people who cannot access the internet.
Standard information (non-easy read)
An information flyer for women diagnosed with breast cancer between screening appointments is available as part of the breast screening interval cancers and duty of candour toolkit.
Easy read information
NHS breast screening providers can download and use the breast screening easy guide to invite people with learning disabilities and others who struggle with written English.
They can also direct people who cannot read or do not like written words to the Beyond Words breast screening picture story, which includes a suggested storyline for family members, carers or health professionals to refer to.
Easy read appointment and result letter templates can be downloaded from NHS breast screening: accessible format informed choice letter content.
Updates to this page
Addition of NHS breast screening: accessible format informed choice letter content to collection
Addition of link to inequalities guidance and easy read letter templates
Link added to '71 or over?' breast screening guidance, as screening services are now accepting self referrals again following restrictions due to coronavirus.
Added: Breast screening for women aged 71 or over.
Added ' information for transgender people' document.
Updated print provider details.
Added link to duty of candour toolkit for interval cancers public information flyer.
Added new leaflet 'Breast screening: Over 70? You are still entitled to breast screening'.
Added 'Breast screening: partial or incomplete mammography' to the collection.
Addition of breast screening awareness posters to collection
New publication ordering details added.
First published.