Breast screening: easy guide
An easy read leaflet about breast screening.
Applies to England
Healthcare professionals can use this leaflet to explain breast screening for anyone who finds easy read information helpful.
This can include people with learning disabilities, people with low levels of literacy and non-English speakers.
Providers can also direct people who cannot read or do not like written words to the Beyond Words breast screening picture story, which includes a suggested storyline for family members, carers or health professionals to refer to.
Providers can download and adapt easy read appointment and recall letter templates from the Breast screening: identifying and reducing inequalities page.
To request another format, you can phone 0300 311 22 33 or email
Updates to this page
Removed obsolete PHE no. from final page.
Small changes to easy-read doc: headings changed to NHS blue; PHE number and Crown copyright info removed.
PDF has ben updated, 1 in 8 getting breast cancer has now been updated to 1 in 7.
Addition of link to easy read letter templates
Wording changed on page 7 to make it clearer about the age at which breast screening invitations stop.
Updated title and details of publication to align with other screening easy guide documents.
New breast screening easy guide published February 2018
First published.