NHS population screening: access for all
Guidance and resources to help reduce inequalities in population screening by ensuring that all eligible people have access.
All eligible populations should have access to NHS population screening programmes and understand the potential benefits and harms.
The NHS population screening inequalities strategy sets out how we and our partners aim to tackle screening inequalities.
Guidance for health and social care professionals
Local screening services should meet the Accessible Information Standard to provide information to people with sensory impairments, such as reduced vision, in a format they can use. All our national screening invitation leaflets can be easily resized and used with screen readers if required.
Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability explains how local screening providers should adapt services to help people with learning disabilities access them.
Easy read resources
These easy read resources are for people who have a learning disability or who struggle with written English.
Providers can also direct people who cannot read or do not like written words to the Beyond Words cancer screening picture stories, which include suggested storylines for family members, carers or health professionals to refer to.
Updates to this page
Addition of NHS bowel cancer screening: identifying and reducing inequalities to collection and retagged OHID
Addition to collection of 'Bowel cancer screening: accessible format informed choice letter content'.
Addition to collection of Cervical screening: ideas for improving access and uptake and Cervical screening: coverage and data
Addition to collection of systematic review evidence summary: 'Population screening: improving participation in underserved groups'
Addition to collection of 'Breast screening: identifying and reducing inequalities'
Added links to 'Antenatal and newborn screening: identifying and reducing inequalities' and 'Cervical screening: support for people who find it hard to attend'.
Added link 'Population screening: supporting people with learning disabilities' under Reducing inequalities.
Added to collection of guidance on screening in secure settings and screening guidance for carers.
Added link to NHS population screening: effective text message use.
Added NHS population screening: a health equity audit guide.
Added 'ANNB screening: supporting women with learning disabilities' to collection
Added easy read letter templates for AAA and diabetic eye screening.
First published.