
Chemical hazards compendium

Resource for the public and those professionals responding to chemical incidents, including emergency services and public health professionals.

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The compendium of chemical hazards has 3 sections:

  1. general information on the chemical
  2. toxicological overview of the compound
  3. incident management focusing on information needed during chemical incidents, such as physicochemical properties, health effects and decontamination

For some chemicals all 3 sections are available and are also compiled into 1 document.

Chemicals A to C

Chemicals D to F

Chemicals G to I

Chemicals J to L

Chemicals M to O

Chemicals P to R

Chemicals S to V

Chemicals W to Z

Updates to this page

Published 1 April 2013
Last updated 23 November 2017 show all updates
  1. Added incident management guidance for CS gas, mustard gas and nerve agents.

  2. Added new guidance on hydrogen fluoride incident management.

  3. Added 'Aluminium phosphide: health effects and incident management'.

  4. First published.