
Collecting the right tax from wealthy individuals

Information about how HMRC deals with wealthy individuals to help them comply with their tax obligations, and to challenge those who don’t play by the rules.

It’s HMRC’s job to make sure that both businesses and individuals pay the right amount of tax. To do this we understand and respond to risks in the tax system by making sure that our compliance work covers the full range of taxes and duties that we manage.

This page brings together all the information on GOV.UK about how HMRC does this for wealthy individuals.

It includes:

  • a corporate report on how we collect the right tax from wealthy individuals
  • information about the forum where we discuss these issues with wealthy stakeholders
  • how wealthy individuals can find help and support from HMRC
  • research into our relationships with the wealthy and their agents

We define individuals as ‘wealthy’ if they have incomes of £200,000 or more, or assets equal to or above £2 million in any of the last 3 years. There are about 800,000 wealthy customers.

General information

How HMRC deals with wealthy individuals to help them comply with their tax obligations and challenge those who don’t play by the rules.

Communication with stakeholders

The Wealthy External Forum is focused on discussing the operational processes and technical tax issues that affect wealthy customers.


We commission research to explore HMRC’s relationships with the wealthy and their agents, aimed at fostering greater trust and transparency.

Help and support

How you can contact our teams working on tax collection from wealthy individuals.

Updates to this page

Published 7 December 2022
Last updated 3 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Added HMRC liaison group 'Changes to the taxation of non-UK domiciled individuals' to the 'Communication with stakeholders' section.

  2. First published.