
HM Land Registry commercial services

Improve the accuracy and value of your land and property records.

We’re the definitive source of land and property ownership data for England and Wales. Use our range of commercial services to get access to more than 26 million records of property information.

Data Services Team

HM Land Registry
Rosebrae Court
Woodside Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU


Contact form https://customerhelp.l...

Telephone 0300 006 0478

Contact our Customer Support Team if you have a general question or casework enquiry.

Ownership validation

Make sure the property address and ownership data you hold is accurate and add extra information to your records.

Spatial data

View the position and location of registered titles through your Geographic Information System or a specially prepared paper plan.

Mortgage services

Synchronise your mortgage records and check what priority information is recorded on the register.

Property portfolio management

Consolidate, strengthen and update your property inventory to help you manage your stock more efficiently.

Terms and conditions

Updates to this page

Published 12 August 2014