HM Land Registry: electronic extent data (polygons)
View the geographic extent of specific registered titles.
Applies to England and Wales
Use our extent data to view multi-sided flat shapes (polygons) on a map in your Geographic Information System (GIS) software.
Use this service to help you:
- keep your records of property and land up-to-date
- manage your assets and liabilities
- inform planning or policy decisions
- gain a spatial understanding of the registered assets within a portfolio
- store and re-use spatial data alongside other datasets
You will receive the data you have requested in an open standard file format: ESRI shapefile (.shp) and MapInfo (.mid/.mif).
Polygon Plus
If you also want to get ownership information for each registered extent, use our Polygon Plus service. This can help you to identify ownership patterns within an area of interest. Results are sent as a PDF and/or CSV file.
Additional register attributes are also available on request.
If you want to receive updates, use our Searchlight service.
Prices start from £1.50 per polygon and £7 for ownership information.
To discuss a quote for high volume orders, additional attributes or services specific to local authorities, please contact us.
Data Services Team
HM Land Registry
Rosebrae Court
Woodside Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU
Contact form https://customerhelp.l...
Telephone 0300 006 0478