Defra's privacy notices
Find out how Defra handles your personal data.
These notices set out how Defra collects, uses and stores your personal information when you use its online services.
Defra’s personal information charter explains more about your rights over your personal data.
Privacy notices
Updates to this page
Added a link to the privacy notice for the marine and fisheries science, evaluation and advice expert list.
Added the microchip adverse events reporting privacy notice.
Added link to the privacy notice for the Index of Exempted Dogs.
The page has been updated to add the privacy notice for extended producer responsibility for packaging.
Added the privacy notice for Defra's consultations and call for evidence exercises.
Added a link to the fisheries management plans privacy notice.
Added Defra's gamebird licensing privacy notice.
Added the Bees' Needs champion awards privacy notice.
Privacy Statement for the UK Food Security Report 2024 user feedback questionnaire added.
Added Defra's environmental impact assessment (EIA) (Agriculture) privacy notice.
Added Defra's bathing water designation and de-designation privacy notice.
Added Defra's report dead wild birds privacy notice.
Added Defra's employee and contractor privacy notice.
Added Defra's social research privacy notice.
First published.