
Digital Sector Economic Estimates Series

This series brings together all documents produced by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) relating to Digital Sector Economic Estimates

In releases prior to April 2024, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) were responsible for publishing figures for the digital sector - these releases can be found here.

Please see the DSIT release calendar for information on when the next release(s) in the series will be published by DSIT.


The Digital Sector Economic Estimates Series provide statistics on the contribution of various sectors to the UK economy, measured by:

Gross Value Added (GVA) Official statistics used to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of the digital sector to the UK economy in terms of gross value added.
Employment Official statistics used to provide an overview of the those working in the digital sector. They provide a measure of the number of filled jobs supported by industries classed as within the digital sector, and of the characteristics of the workforce by demographic groups.
Earnings Official statistics used to provide an estimate of earnings across the digital sector and between different demographic groups. They include various measures of earnings as well as a measure of the gender pay gap in the digital sector.
Imports and exports of services and goods Official statistics used to provide an estimate of the contribution of the digital sector to the UK economy, measured by imports and exports of services and goods.
Business Demographics Official Statistics used to provide an estimate of the contribution of the digital sector to the UK economy, measured by the number and characteristics of businesses.
Productivity Official statistics in development used to provide an estimate of productivity in the digital sector, measured by output per hour and output per job.

DSIT have recently concluded a consultation on the planned future of the Digital Sector Economic Estimates series - the DSIT response to this consultation can be accessed using this link.


The methodologies used in the Digital Sector Economic Estimates series vary for each release. For the exact methodology in each release type, see the relevant technical report published alongside each release.

Accredited official statistics

The approach for annual GVA, regional GVA, business demographics and employment were independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation in 2018/19, when responsibility for the digital sector was still held by DCMS. They comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics and are labelled accredited official statistics. Accredited official statistics are called National Statistics in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007.

DSIT will continue to comply with these standards in any of these releases that we produce.

User feedback

We welcome any feedback from our users on this series and any of the publications produced as part of this series - please email us at


Updates to this page

Published 16 April 2024
Last updated 6 March 2025 show all updates
  1. The Economic Estimates: Digital Sector Annual Gross Value Added (2019 to 2023) release has been added to the page.

  2. A link has been added to the DSIT response to the recent Digital Sector Economic Estimates consultation.

  3. The Economic Estimates: Digital Sector Monthly GVA (January 2019 to June 2024) release has been added to the page.

  4. A link to the latest release in the series has been added - Economic Estimates: Employment in the Digital Sector, April 2023 to March 2024

  5. A link to the latest release in the series has been added - Economic Estimates: Digital Sector Regional Gross Value Added (2019 to 2022)

  6. A link to the DSIT Digital Sector Economic Estimates Consultation has been added

  7. Links to the Digital Sector Economic Estimates: Employment and Digital Sector Economic Estimates: Earnings collection pages have been added. The latest release has also been added - Economic Estimates: Employment and Earnings in the Digital Sector, January 2023 to December 2023

  8. Links to the Digital Sector Economic Estimates: Gross Value Added (GVA) collection page and Economic Estimates: Digital Sector Monthly GVA (to March 2024) publication have been added.

  9. First published.