Duration on working-age benefits: statistics
Statistics from DWP on the length of time that claimants receive working-age benefits.
These statistics were produced as part of the social justice outcomes framework. The indicators are no longer being updated and as a result these statistics have been discontinued. There will be no further updates on the April 2016 release. Read the social justice outcomes framework for more information.
These annual statistics examine the total time claimants spent on one or more of the main DWP working-age benefits over the preceding 4 years.
The main working-age benefits are:
- Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Income Support
Latest release
We released the latest statistics on 19 April 2016.
Statistics include data for Great Britain for the period up to the end of March 2015. They are broken down by local authority.
Contacts and more information
There is contact information and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Statistics releases
Updates to this page
Page updated to say that the ‘Duration on working-age benefit: statistics’ are no longer being updated and have been discontinued.
Published latest statistics on the 'Duration on working-age benefits: April 2010 to March 2015'.
Published latest statistics on the 'Duration on working-age benefits: April 2010 to March 2014'.
First published.