
Social Justice outcomes framework: family stability indicator

An annual statistical publication presenting the latest results for the family stability indicator.

In April 2013 we published Social Justice: transforming lives – one year on. The report, and supporting documentation, set out 7 indicators, and their baselines, against which progress in delivering social justice will be measured.

This followed the publication of Social justice: transforming lives in March 2012 which set out the government’s vision for providing the support needed to turn around the lives of those experiencing multiple disadvantages.

The statistics set out the latest results for the Family stability indicator and compare them to the baseline set out in ‘Social Justice: transforming lives – one year on’.

The Family Stability indicator measures:

  • the percentage of all children who are not living with both their birth parents, by age of child
  • the percentage of children in low income households not living with both parents compared to the percentage of children in middle to higher income households
  • the percentage of children living with both birth parents where the parents report happiness or unhappiness in their relationship

We also published a series of reports showing how we are achieving the outcomes set out in Social Justice: transforming lives – one year on.

Keep up to date with social justice developments at the Public Service Transformation Network Social Justice site.


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Published 13 March 2014
Last updated 22 March 2016 show all updates
  1. Published 'Social justice: family stability indicator results 2013 to 2014'.

  2. Published statistics on the family stability indicator for 2012 to 2013.

  3. First published.